普氏数据显示,船用燃料380 CST的码头交货价格对普氏新加坡380 CST高硫燃料油评估价格均值溢价逐日上涨1.80美元/吨,周五收于8.91美元/吨,而船用燃料380 CST交付价格对MOPS 380 CST HSFO溢价逐日上涨80美分/吨,周五收盘于14.91美元/吨。
徐蕾 摘译自 普氏能源资讯
Singapore bunker premiums edge higher on short-term prompt tightness.
Bunker fuel premiums in Singapore have strengthened slightly in recent days owing to supply tightness for prompt loading and delivery dates.
The ex-wharf 380 CST bunker fuel premium over the Mean of Platts Singapore 380 CST high sulfur fuel oil assessments rose $1.80/mt day on day to $8.91/mt at Friday's close, while the delivered 380 CST bunker fuel premium over MOPS 380 CST HSFO rose 80 cents/mt day on day to $14.91/mt at Friday's close, Platts data showed.
Most sellers were only able to offer from January 20 earliest, while those who could do more prompt offerings were targeting higher premiums, according to market sources.
There was also some slight terminal congestion leading to a logjam in product loading, sources said.
"While deliveries are slightly tighter, demand [in the spot market] seems to be on the average side these days as [flat] prices are very volatile," a bunker supplier in Singapore said.
2019-01-16 11:00 点击:218