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2019-04-16 14:02  点击:368
据路透社4月12日华盛顿报道,墨西哥财政部长Carlos Urzua周五表示,墨西哥将通过动用其预算稳定基金,为其境况不佳的墨西哥国家石油公司(墨国油/Pemex)提供一年的“生命线”,排除了政府将承担这笔债务的可能性。





詹晓晶    摘自    路透社


Mexico to offer Pemex lifeline of 'only one year' -Finance Minister

Mexico will offer its ailing state oil company Pemex a lifeline for only one year by dipping into its budget stabilization fund, Finance Minister Carlos Urzua said on Friday, ruling out that the government will absorb the debt.

With $106 billion in financial debt, Pemex is the world’s most indebted oil company and is teetering on the brink of having its debt downgraded to junk. Investors have shown little enthusiasm about the possibility of a new bond issuance.

Investors are also increasingly concerned that Mexico’s sovereign rating will suffer if Pemex is downgraded or if new government support for the company hurts federal finances.

“What we want to do is to allow Pemex not to go to the market if they don’t want to go to the market,” Urzua said at an event at the IMF World Bank meetings in Washington. “Take off part of its debt. Once. only this year. Later on, that is their problem.”

Mexico’s budget stabilization fund was set up to cushion the effects on public finances if there are sudden variations in international oil prices. 



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