据今日油价网站2月25日消息 其中两位投资者对路透社表示,埃克森正试图阻止一项投资者倡议,试图迫使这家能源巨头承诺减少有害排放。据英国《金融时报》早些时候报道,该公司已致函美国证券交易委员会(SEC),称投资者的举措具有误导性,并表示正试图“微观管理”该业务。
其发言人就埃克森美孚致美国证券交易委员会的信与路透社交谈的投资者分别是英国教会(Church of England)捐赠基金和纽约州养老基金(New York State Pension Fund)。
纽约州审计长兼该州养老基金经理Thomas DiNapoli表示:“埃克森试图剥夺股东对重大气候风险问题的投票权。” DiNapoli是这家投资集团的掌舵人,坚持要求埃克森承诺减少其碳足迹。
王磊 摘译自 今日油价
Reuters: Exxon Tries To Block Investor Push For Emission Reduction
Exxon is trying to block an investor initiative seeking to force the supermajor to commit to a reduction in harmful emissions, two of these investors told Reuters. The company, the Financial Times reported earlier, had written to the Securities and Exchange Commission calling the investor initiative misleading and saying it was trying to “micro-manage” the business.
The investors whose spokespeople talked to Reuters about Exxon’s letter to SEC were the endowment fund of the Church of England and the New York State pension fund.
“Trying to strike out a shareholder proposal from institutional investors with a fiduciary responsibility to manage climate risk is an outdated reflex,” an official for the Church of England fund said in a statement.
“Exxon is trying to deny shareholders’ right to vote on a significant climate risk concern,” the New York State Comptroller and manager of the state’s pension fund, Thomas DiNapoli, said. DiNapoli is at the helm of the investor group insisting on Exxon pledging to reduce its carbon footprint.
The Financial Times, which reported on Exxon’s letter earlier on Sunday, quoted another shareholder in the company, the state employee pension fund of California, as saying the issue should be discussed with shareholders rather than Exxon going to the SEC for help. “The SEC should not be in the role of muffler to important debate,” Calpers said in a statement. The fund is also part of the shareholder group that is pressing Exxon for commitments in the emissions reduction area.
Exxon is not the only supermajor that is being targeted by shareholders to do more about climate change. Shell and BP have already made pledges along the lines of more transparent emissions reporting and commitments to reduce these substantially in the coming years. Chances are Exxon will be forced to join the group as the investors pushing for a change manage a combined US$1.9 trillion.
2019-02-28 11:14 点击:248